Wednesday, December 06, 2006

More Pics of Me



Momkiss said...

Yikes, you are a very grown up 18 year old. And very pretty. Be careful of those land sharks (men), epecially the 27 year old ones who will break your heart. Don't swallow and for heavens sake keep condoms on ALWAYS. You have way to much going for you to get the kooties, preggars or blog about your kids like I do instead of school and boys~! Good luck.


good picture

iwiwag said...

Thanks "momkiss2u" and "jamesee-st-smile" for your comments ;)

Yank Spank said...

Wow, great pics, good blog, unless your into baseball and the Yankees you probably won't like mine, but if you'd like to check it out I would really appreciate it. Here's the URL -

iwiwag said...

Thanks Yank for comment ;)

Anonymous said...

gostei das fotos.
muito sex.